Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bouncing Baby Girl

So, here's the dream I had a couple nights ago:

I'm standing on the sidewalk watching Leah cross the street. A car comes out of nowhere and hits Leah, but just barely, so that she kind of bounces off the car and lands in the gutter. I scream and start running toward her. She stands up quickly and dusts herself off, but she is obviously in some pain as she tries to walk again. She walks with a major limp and winces with each step.

And then I wake up.

Here are the thoughts that run through my mind as I wake up:

Thought #1: My dream self let Leah cross the street by herself! Ohmygosh, I am a terrible parent.

Thought #2: Where the heck was Riley in my dream? My subconscious mind totally forgot about Riley! Ohmygosh, I'm a terrible parent.

Thought #3: How come my dream self wasn't at all surprised that Leah was WALKING across the street, at age four months? Didn't I realize that this was a major milestone for her? Ohmygosh, I'm a terrible parent.

Thought #4: It was kinda cute the way Leah bounced off the car and then dusted her little baby clothes off...

Surprisingly, this was actually one of the first dreams I've had with the babies in it. It's as if the fact that I'm a parent hasn't yet sunk into my subconcious mind, and so it just goes on having dreams about work and high school and falling and stuff. I guess this dream might be a sign that my subconscious brain is just starting to accept the new parenting role, but it can only accept one baby at a time. So, Riley, you're next. Watch out for those cars.

Some pictures from the baby's happy weekend with the grandparents:


At 2/18/2009 3:25 PM, Blogger Umo said...

After seeing those pictures, I almost impulse-bought plane tickets. I'm dead serious. ARG SOOOO CUTE!

At 2/20/2009 3:58 PM, Blogger Amy said...

SO! CUTE! I love how they looks so interactive and fun!


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