Sunday, February 08, 2009

Everybody's Doing It...

Before Kathy became pregnant with twins, I had, to my knowledge, met exactly two sets of twins in my life. One set was a pair of identical twins on my soccer team when I was eleven years old, and the other was the twin daughters of one of college roomates. That's it. I had never really even noticed any twins walking around San Francisco or in our neighborhood. Twins seemed like one of those rare things that celebrities occasionally had, but that almost nobody in real life had.

But once Kathy and I knew we were going to have twins, all of sudden, some sort of twin-radar got activated in our heads, and all of a sudden, it seems like they're everywhere. The city's crawling with them.

Kathy's radar is especially sharp. She can spot them out of the corner of her eye, from blocks away. The other day, Kathy saw a guy getting out of his car and decided that this guy was definitely the father of twins. She decided this purely because of the look in his eye when he saw Kathy pushing the twins in the stroller. And she was right.

Earlier this week, Kathy randomly met a mom who also has two twin daughters and lives two blocks from our house. They talked for awhile, and made plans for us all to get together today for some coffee.

I'm sure we were quite a sight walking around with our two gigantic double-strollers taking up the entire sidewalk. Kathy and I get quite a lot of looks and double-takes when we take Leah and Riley for walks, but a lot of people walking by will usually be wrapped up in their own thing and won't notice us. But as we walked around pushing two sets of twins, believe me, we caught pretty much everybody's attention. Not that people were treating us like freaks or lepers or anything. But I do think I heard the words "Oh my god" about eight or nine times.

And then as we were sitting having coffee, another couple just happens to stop by the coffee place with, you guessed it, their two twin daughters. And there we were, three couples, three sets of twin daughters, drinking coffee like it was the most natural thing in the world. And as people walked by and did their little double-takes and triple-takes, I could just see the little thought-bubbles over their heads like in a comic strip, saying "Sheesh, it's really true -- EVERYBODY'S having twins."

I'll sign off with some pictures of Leah and Riley with their new toy (which is taking up the last empty space in our living room):


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