Wednesday, May 12, 2010


The tough thing about writing in a blog about my kids is that I'm always super-self-conscious about being too "gushy". Like most parents, I secretly think that my daughters are obviously the funniest, smartest, most beautiful, most-everything-else girls in the whole wide universe, but I'm not really sure I really want to be obnoxious and say that to the world. Although I guess I just did.

I'm not really a braggy person by nature, so I've never felt all that comfortable with bragging as a concept. But having a couple of toddlers kinda throws that all out of whack, because I find that when you have two toddlers you generally have three possible topics of conversation: (a) the cute and/or incredible thing that one of your toddlers did that morning, (b) the awful and/or incredibly embarrassing or gross thing that your toddler did that morning, or (c) how incredibly fricking tired you are. And if you eliminate Option (a) from the mix, you pretty much just sound like a big-ol' whiner all the time.

But it all gets a little sensitive when you're hanging out with other parents with toddlers, because when you say something like "Riley and Leah started singing along with the Music Together CD today!", there's a 50% chance that the other parents will gleefully respond with "Liam does that too!", but there's a 50% chance that the parents will say something like "That's great!" and then there will be an awkward silence which you know means that Liam doesn't do that yet. And then Liam's parents will go home and stress out about whether the fact that Liam doesn't sing along with the CD means that Liam has a hearing problem or his brain isn't developing right or he's going to become a serial killer.

I know this is true because, of course, we've been on both sides. The girls were way behind on the whole crawling thing, and sure, we pretended we were fine with whatever pace our daughters wanted to learn to crawl, but secretly it killed us that all our friends' kids were crawling little baby-sized circles around our daughters.

So it is with some trepidation that I share the following:

So far, Leah and Riley have kinda sorta learned the following letters: B, D, K, L, M, O, Q, T, X, and Y. In other words, almost all of the really non-useful letters of the alphabet. Worst Boggle Board ever. Can't really spell much of anything with those letters, girls. But hey, you're only 19 months old -- you get a pass for now.

Sorry, Liam.


At 5/13/2010 5:22 AM, Blogger Umo said...

My nieces are the smartest and most beautiful girls in the world! I don't mind bragging about them one bit.

However, my brother needs to work on his pop culture reference and/or spelling because "quijbo" is clearly spelled "Kwyjibo."

At 5/14/2010 1:52 PM, Blogger Dave said...

Whoops. I knew I was in trouble when I realized that "quijbo" only has six letters. I bow down to you, Simpsons Master.


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