Monday, February 08, 2010

Time After Time

It's one of those parental cliches that time goes by so quickly once you have kids. You know the conversation -- you'd better enjoy each moment you have, because before you know it, your daughters are are (off to school) (off to college) (embarrassed to be seen with you). I have that conversation all the time -- I say "time is going by so fast!" or "I can't believe they're 16 months old already!" or "where the heck is the time going?" And it's true -- a lot of the time, I'm amazed that I'm the parent of a couple of 16-month olds. How'd that happen?

The truth is, though, that in a lot of ways, time often seems like it's going incredibly slowly. Like right now, Leah and Riley have colds. They've had this cold for about a week, going on a week and a half, but let me tell ya, it feels like they've been sick for about a billion years. If I search deeply back in my memory, I can remember a time when they didn't drip snot all over the house and my clothing. Ah yes. Those were the days.

In San Francisco here, it's been raining off and on for about three or four weeks. Three or four weeks of winter weather never seemed like a big deal before we had kids. But three or four weeks when you're trying to keep a couple of girls who recently discovered walking happy while confining them to about 100 square feet of open floor space, that's a whole different ballgame. And Punxsutatawney Phil says 6 more weeks of winter!? I'm going to kick the crap out of that frickin' groundhog.

Seriously -- when you've got a cranky, sick girl that you're trying to keep happy, and it's pouring outside, and you look at the clock and it's two hours until her next nap, trust me -- time ain't flyin'.

And recently, I've been looking at some of the pictures and video footage I have from the past year or so, and I swear -- even the videos that are from just a few months ago seem like ancient history to me. Wow -- Leah and Riley used to just lay there on the ground all day!? Really!?! We just put them on the ground and they just stayed there? And why did we think that was difficult again? I can't remember.

Anyway, speaking of video footage, I thought I'd share this. To those that don't want to watch a couple of twins being cute for two and a half minutes, for Godsakes don't click below.


At 2/08/2010 2:29 PM, Blogger Wantapeanut said...

Lord, we have the same unending cold in our house. Makes me wonder why I don't own stock in Kleenex. And I think you've hit on the fundamental injustice in parenting: just when you've finally got the hang of something, they go and change on you!

At 2/08/2010 5:34 PM, Anonymous Brian said...

Riley has the talent, but she totally needs to work on her technique. She looks like she had Leah setup for a submission hold a few times there but didn't finish the job.


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