Thursday, November 13, 2008

Instant Celebrity Status

One thing about having twins that I was not really expecting was the massive amount of attention you draw just walking them around the neighborhood. As we walk around the neighborhood, tons of random strangers will stop us to coo over the babies and ask us questions about them. All of a sudden, just because we happened to have two babies at the same time, we suddenly seem to have become neighborhood celebrities. Even the homeless woman in front of the bakery congratulated me on our beautiful twins. And that was before I gave her my spare change.

Actually, there are two reactions we get. Women generally react as I just describe -- they stop us, say "Aw... twins!", then they ask us the usual questions about whether they're identical, whether they're a boy and a girl or two girls, how old they are, and what their names are. Then they smile, they tell me how beautiful they are, and they go on their way.

Men we pass on the street react in one of three ways:
  1. No reaction because they're listening to their Ipod.
  2. No reaction, then a double-take, then they go back to listening to their Ipod.
  3. A double-take, a gasp of "Twins!", then a look of pity directed at me that seems to translate roughly to "'re screwed. So sorry."
Reaction #3 is a little disheartening. I'm guessing that reaction usually comes from guys who are parents. I've got to say, I prefer the women's reactions. Hope it didn't sound like I was complaining about those -- anyone who wants to stop me on the street and tell me how beautiful my daughters are is okay with me.

That's a picture of them in their car seats right after a stroll around the neighborhood. As you can see, it's exhausting being the neighborhood celebrities.


At 11/14/2008 8:46 AM, Blogger Amy said...

Aw. Happiness! Dave, I think you're right. Having twins is probably SO much more work (etc.) compared to having just one beautiful baby. As a comparison, a friend of mine just recently had a girl (one girl, no twin), and this is her first baby. It's very funny to read her blog ( - sunny and cute, new outfits) ... and then read your blog (Beethoven's fifth, dun dun dun duuuuun!).

Comparing your experiences has been fun for me. I do appreciate the dose of reality that your blog presents. Her blog leads me to believe that, like the popular myth - girls don't poop, they glow. And babies don't cry, they glow, which sounds like a farce to me!


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